Online or by Mail

Your Donation

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YES! I want to support the Olympians & Paralympians Relief Fund, OPRF (formerly known as "The Olympians for Olympians Relief Fund") OORF.

Your donation will help us provide, but not limited to, needed medical assistance, prescription medication, replacement of stolen articles, or automobile repair for Olympians & Paralympians who have fallen victim to accident, illness, or injury.

OPRF EIN: 84-1497252


Donate Online with Paypal or Credit Card.


Personal Check

To donate using a personal check please send to the OPRF and mail to:

P.O. Box 1090
Colorado Springs, CO 80901

Phone: 719-722-0675
EIN: 84-1497252

Charitable Donation Options

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  • Arrange for a disbursement from my donor-advised-fund (DAF) or family foundation
  • Make a distribution from my IRA or another retirement account

OPRF EIN: 84-1497252


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How is it spent?

Once approved by our board of Olympians & Paralympians, the grants will allow individuals who have served this country with distinction, to return to a life of active and productive engagement.

How is it managed?

The OPRF is staffed entirely by US Olympians & Paralympians who volunteer their time and energy. 100% of all donations go directly to providing assistance to America's Olympic heroes, and the US Olympic and Paralympic Committee has been matching each gift, dollar for dollar.

How have recipients benefited?

Past recipients have told us that the OPRF grant has made it possible to recover more quickly from surgeries, lost jobs and catastrophic accidents. These gifts have reminded our recipients that their past service on the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic team has not been forgotten, and in many cases has also reconnected them to the Olympic and Paralympic Family.